Freedom Harvest

Freedom Harvest


The Premier Direct Farm-to-Consumer App Featuring Same-Day Delivery

Freedom Harvest is more than a food delivery service—it’s a revolution designed to empower family-owned farms and redefine America’s food landscape.

What we offer

An easy-to-use platform with a customer facing mobile app designed to support local economies on a nationwide scale

Freedom Harvest allows farms and ranches to easily market, sell, and deliver their products directly to customers using our built-in same day delivery solution.

Quality Customer Service

We provide a very hands-on onboarding process to ensure you are able to maximize the benefits of our platform. This hands-on support does not stop after onboarding, and we are not afraid to pick up a phone and call you.

Increase Sales by 20-30%

Our same day delivery solution empowers you to rival the convenience of the grocery industry, while controlling the timing of order fulfillment. We know you are busy growing and raising food, so you control when drivers are dispatched to pick up orders for your customers.

Zero Hidden Costs

Freedom Harvest does not take a percentage of your sales to ensure your revenue remains within your business. We operate on a monthly/annual subscription model that is based on your annual revenue. The affordability beats any other platform currently on the market.


Supporting Family Farms

By registering your farm or ranch on Freedom Harvest, you are delivering the freshest products directly to your customers. You will have the freedom to manage all of your store details, such as your farm’s profile, branding, and prices. 

Build a Heathier Future

Give Your Local Communities Better Options

Similar to how many consumers already purchase groceries from an app on their phones, your customers will be able to browse and purchase offerings from your local farms and ranches to be delivered to their door.

Deep Insights

Better understand your customers through trend analysis.

Payments & Payouts

Receive payments for your orders without any hassles and delays.

User Order Management

Easily review, manage, & fulfill orders. Let us worry about the rest.

Changing the Game

We aim to revolutionize the industry by selling direct

With corporate conglomerates and billionaires buying up farm land across the nation, policies being pushed that benefit those corporations and driving farm profit margins to record lows, we have an opportunity to change an industry determined to see you fail. This is our best chance to ensure American agriculture and the American people have a healthy and prosperous future.

Start Buying Local

Download Our App on iOS and Android!

Onboarding farms and ranches near you soon!

Register Your Farm →

Are you interested in using our same day delivery solution? Email us at for details!

Have Question? Reach out to us directly!